Monday, July 30, 2007

Life Is... GREAT

Yep yep yep yep yep yep~ :D Life's Great. Beat it. Today's start was kinda sloppy. Very sloppy in fact. Woke up at 7am. Class starts at 8:30am. Skip my lovely morning ICY shower. I live for that ICY shower every morning. Just love it but had to skip it. Instrumentation Practical Paper was suppose to start at 8:30am, so yar. Wash up, skip waxing of my hair. No Rooster today. My Elder sister told him I smell like my bed. So yea, advice to grab a shower next time before i head school. Yea, I'll, no worries. Hit class on time. Somehow. Mr. C started giving lecture, when he was about to hand out the scripts... the class... gang up and told a huge lie. They said it was suppose to be the afternoon Lecture for the Pratical paper. They added that he promised them. (-_-) So Mr C held a vote. 15 out of 40 want the paper now!!! Rawr~ I'm 1 of them. But you know... 15 out of 40 is soooo pathetic. So the paper was postpone to noon. Dammit. I was sooo effing piss off that I almost walked out of the class. Spoiled my plan for the day. In the end, I didn't. Maybe my angel thrashed my Devil today. Who knows? (^-^) Result was out today too. Another 80% for Instrumentation. Amazing. Gym after school. Had a deal with Birdy. 6PM under his void deck. I was there at 5:55PM. 6:20PM, the Bird was no where to be seen or even found. Stuck in front of his dying cum overheated laptop botting his lame game. You know, bot your toon, hitting some statue that won't return damage. He likes those no brainer stuff. Pretty much kick for him I suppose. :P I'm being MEAN. He called but my Mobby is enjoying itself by feeding on the electricity surging from the socket. Left it at home. 11 Missed calls (No Price for guessing who called). Well Done. Gym was alright. I can't carry as much repetitions as I used to a week ago. Haven't been there for a week. I'll buck'up. Here's my Evil Training Plan... taking effect from today, 30072007. Cheers~
New Policy. I Hate to make Others wait & I Hate to wait for Others.

I Mention Rooster... Here's the pic of it. :D

Sunday, July 29, 2007


Done my Instrumentation Lab Practical revision. Sounds kind of queer but it's actually theory paper. Weird people, Weird subject, Weird way of examination. Slap it.

Was suppose to do my Presentation slids today. Was suppose to upload the pictures and arrange it in a way that it'll depict a story of what happen yesterday. Was suppose to create the materials needed for my Dreamweaver exam. Was suppose to study for my Tanker Familiarization ICA 3. People are stressing their soul out of their body but I'm still here, feeling empty. My room is in a indescribable mess. Worst than an Aftermath of a war torn zone. I've crap loads of free time on my hand. But I just couldn't help it, but to spent them away. Watched High School Musical for the 1st time. I know it's kinda old but I don't usually spent my 'Ka Ching! ($)' on movie tickets unless it's blue moon. Watch 8 Episodes of Evagelion. An anime. Spent the rest of the time thinking. Reflections...

Thought about heaps of queer questions, forgot most of them by the time I'm blogging. Forgot most of them but these are just the some of them...

What Do I Live For?
Why Am I Going To School?
Why Do I Think So Much About Such Stuff?
Does Karma Really Exist?
Who Is Real & Who Is Virtual?
Existence of the World's Theory.

Blah Blah, list of them which I can barely remember. For the Triathlon pictures, I'll ensure that it'll be done, after this Thursday ( Tanker ICA3), before next week.

For now... Later~

Saturday, July 28, 2007


Today is the day. 28072007. My very First Triathlon. It was really good, so good that i'm all set for next year's. I'm really tired. I'll post pictures that depict a story about my triathlon soon. Maybe tomorrow. I need to learn how to post pictures tho. Feel free to drop me an advice/tip or two. Cheers! Something in my room reeks. Smells damn rotten. Just like the mud where the race is held. No idea what is it. Will find out soon. My nose is bad, so yep, can't detect using my nose. Trial and Error method. Then again, Cheers!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Running (2 Km )
Total Training: 13 Sessions.

New Record: 09 Minutes 56 Seconds
Worst Record: 11 Minutes 56 Seconds
Last Best Record: 10 Minutes 23 Seconds
Current Best Record: 09 Minutes 56 Seconds

Swimming (1 Km, Freestyle)
Total Training: 1 Session

New Record: 22 Minutes 06 Seconds
Worst Record: N/A
Best Record: N/A
Current Best Record: 22 Minutes 06 Seconds

Not too bad for my running, though it's still pretty slow for a 2Km Run. Birdy's dad was expecting me to achieve 8 Minutes for a 2 Km. I'll strive for it tho. Next training session will be Thursday. Heading down to Race Expo to collect my Race items tomorrow. Gym session might be canceled which is... Baaaddddd!

Right, did I mention my glucose is higher than normal people? I did. Refer to my 1st Post ever. Haven't touch any sugar drinks, sweets and such. I mean, the only thing that contributes to glucose I can think off is still White Rice. Someone just has to be Effing SARCASTIC or maybe he's just TRYING to be nice. Judge it yourself. Here's an original extract from our MSN chat. Name of that someone has been changed to 'XYZ'

XYZ: wan buy strudels n cookies bo
Kai: My glucose is way higher than normal people plus i've no darling to pamper. x) no thanks.
XYZ: lame
XYZ: if u hav high glucose den u shld stop eatin anytin wif sweets in it
XYZ: or u will get diabieties
Kai: already did
XYZ: u have * Increased thirst * Increased urination * Fatigue * Blurred vision * Slow-healing infections or symptoms of hypoglycemia, suc?
XYZ: den u shld stop anytin wif sweets
XYZ: teh ice
XYZ: coke
Kai: yeap. stopped.
XYZ: or u wld prb end up cuttin ur leg
XYZ: and plz include it in ur triat medical report
Kai: been on ice kosong for weeks already
Kai: not that i've diabetics
Kai: but just to be on the safe side
XYZ: if u have high glocuse lvl till u cant eat a swt tin
XYZ: prob u hav diabities go get a check up
Kai: i'm alrdy eating stuff without sugar. mayb cept white rice
XYZ: anyways gd l havin ur leg
XYZ: gtg cya
Kai: having my leg?
Kai: Don't get what you meant by 'having my leg' but thanks for your concern. I'm already scheduled for a check up at some laboratory recommended by my family docter.

That's our conversation. Judge it yourself. What a Dickhead. Eff off, Blasted soul.Just because I don't want to buy his 'wares' and give a valid reason? What a joke.

4 Days To Triathlon.
Not participating in the upcoming Safra Army's Half A Marathon. Not enough time to train. 26 of Aug. But anyone up for Standard Chartered's?

Monday, July 23, 2007


Hmmm, I think she's in love. No point asking me who. I'll NEVER blow my damn cover. So yea. Eff Off.

Right, so... I got 80% for my Instrumentation class test. But it's real weight is only a pathetic 10%. Shizzle. That means 8 marks. Blah. Still, not too bad consider I flipped through in the wee hours. Math paper was pretty darn fine too. Just sort of make a dumb mistake of no making it into it's simpler form, other than that, I suppose I'm safe.

Gym Canceled. Baaaaaddd! But, hey, Swim's on. 1Km Freestyle ( Pure Arm Power, in other words, no leg muscles used on purpose) Time Check: 22 Minutes 06 Seconds. Ironman (Sng) shaved another 86 seconds off his 1Km Frog style/ Breast Stroke, Time Check: 21 Minutes 20 Seconds.

5 Days To Triathlon. Peeeeewwwweeeeet~

Wakey Wakey

Hello World. I'm awake, I'm awake. Woah. I'm actually awake.

Sunday, July 22, 2007


Dammit! Dammit!Dammit!Dammit! Dammit!Dammit! Dammit!Dammit!

Blah, Friggin Effing Irritated. My Math is more or less done and sync into my brain. More or less due to some amazing questions, but it's alright. Ironman is going to lend me his math tutorial bible and enlighten me tomorrow, so yea. Thank heaps, Sng. Appreicate it.

Instrumentation. Chapter 5 down. I suppose and I think and I guess. Gave up writing notes for it as the subject is getting lamer as each sentence is being printed. Slap it! Burn it! Actually, I don't mind studying for it, but cramming it on the same day as my Core subject ( Engineering Math) is just ghey. Off to bed now. Waking up at 3am to finish up the rest if ever possible. I don't do duty till 3am. Not those type at least when it comes to studying and age is catching up. x)

Skipped Gym. Baaaaaaaaaaaad!!! /Golfclap

6 Days Till Triathlon. Weeeet~

Saturday, July 21, 2007

More Minus than Plus

+: Math Tutorial 7 Done.
Quotient Rule: Keep the Bottom, Diff the Top, Minus, keep the Top, Diff the Bottom divided by Bottom Square.
(Sync Completed)
Product Rule: Keep the Front, diff the Back, Plus, Keep the Back, Diff the Front.
(Sync Completed)
Double Angles Formulae (Sync Completed)

-: Had Too Much Fun. WoW Too Much.
-: Had my Fun again. Watch Too Much Anime.
-: Only managed to complete Chapter 7 of Math. Chapter 8, 9, 10 to Go.
-: Skipped Running Training today. Baaaaaaaaaaadddd!
-: Instrumentation => 5 Chapters to Go.

7 Days Till Triathlon! :)

Friday, July 20, 2007


While chewing on my breakfast and slurping my milo with just milk powder + milo power + hot water... I'm going to blog. It's 3 PM on my laptop's clock.

Skipped School today. For the reason that I could make good use of the time to finish up Dad's blue prints and such. I slept till 2 PM. (-_-) Wow. Amazing. So much of skipping school for other more important stuff. Have a math Quiz on next Monday, Instrument Class Test on the same Monday as Math, Instrument Lab Practical on Tuesday and my General Elective Module ( Entrepreneurship) Presentation on next next wednesday. I love presentation as it's hella easy to pawn! :) But test and quiz are like damn lame. Screw it.

Gym session later. Woot! I'm all hype for it. 8 more days till my Triathlon. /Hustle

-Better start working on what I'm suppose to.

Thursday, July 19, 2007


10mins to 12am. Taking a break from Dad's Report against Blueprint tracing job. I'm slacking.

Speed Test was pretty alright today. 10minutes and 44seconds for 2km. Not that I've improved alot but umm, it's kinda of like no where. Best record was 10mins 23seconds and worst is like 11minutes 33 seconds. Had a swim after that. 550metres. Pretty slack too. Duathlon. Sounds like it. But not really what Duathlon is suppose to mean. 9 Days Till Triathlon. Yeeeaaaahhh!

Skipping School tomorrow. Yep, screw school. Slap it! Oh, Mum is really woman of words. She really brewed China Barley without sugar for me or rather whole family. Hahha, I dragged the whole family into drinking it. Ooh, plus 1st time tasting Grape fruit. It's umm, yucky. Slap it!

Oh Yea. I know my blog is kind of simple and pretty much naked. I'll add a Tag board and links and you know...stuffs. Haha. I'm not an IT geek or professional so yea, it's going
take a while, and I meant "a while".

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Quite Some Stuff.

Right, let's get started before the day ends. 1st Post! :)

Went for a blood test last saturday, 14072007. I'm alright with needles and such poking into me, but just not through my wrist and the part above your albow. I'm the kind of person, when I'm scared of something, I'll tend to giggle and laugh. Pretty much explains everything. The Doctor just has to poke the needle through those areas. It's just crazy. Started giggling even before he poked the needle into my blood vessel. He had to keep prompting me to stop giggling. So so I try to supress but still..nevermind.

Blood Test result is finally out. My blood type is A Postive. Oh, Mum made me have my blood test for all sort of stuff. Bundle package. Well, sort of, I suppose. Haha, so yea. My Glucose is 115, which is a "little" higher than normal range of 70 - 108. My Uric Acid is 7.1 compared with the normal ranged of (3.0 - 7.9). Dear Doc says dudes my age should have fall into the '5' catagory. I've to avoid Beans product, especially Soya bean(stopped taking more than 1 year ago.*), Anchovies, Durian and internal organs of animals (duh~). I'm already having Super Organic diet during alternate weeks, as I've a Super Healthy Mum. She cooks only organic stuff. Really healthy stuff. I swear. Come to think of it, I'm actually pretty alright with avoiding those food. For glucose...hmm, it's weird. Haven't ate any sweet stuff lately, due to my motivation to get fitter. Sweet stuff...white rice, that's the best I can think of as sweet and I'm consuming it.

Dammit, I just had to explain my Blood Test result to my mum. She has to know as she paid for it and she's my mum. Yay. Awarded constant nagging about my diet. More organic diet coming my way. Jeez.

Blah! Next. Gym training as scheduled. Love it! As usual, only Birdy turns up. Best trainig buddy ever, i guess, excluding being late as usual. Haha, but at least he turn up. Swimming canceled, Boo! (Mum just said she's gonna brew china barley for me everyday, I'm honoured. Nooo...she mentioned Brown Rice...I dread it more than anything else.)Looking forward to tomorrow's training. :) Training: Speed Test.

*From What I heard, soya beans decrease testosterone level, which is pretty serious for us. 100% Pure genuine male. x) Haha.