Monday, July 30, 2007

Life Is... GREAT

Yep yep yep yep yep yep~ :D Life's Great. Beat it. Today's start was kinda sloppy. Very sloppy in fact. Woke up at 7am. Class starts at 8:30am. Skip my lovely morning ICY shower. I live for that ICY shower every morning. Just love it but had to skip it. Instrumentation Practical Paper was suppose to start at 8:30am, so yar. Wash up, skip waxing of my hair. No Rooster today. My Elder sister told him I smell like my bed. So yea, advice to grab a shower next time before i head school. Yea, I'll, no worries. Hit class on time. Somehow. Mr. C started giving lecture, when he was about to hand out the scripts... the class... gang up and told a huge lie. They said it was suppose to be the afternoon Lecture for the Pratical paper. They added that he promised them. (-_-) So Mr C held a vote. 15 out of 40 want the paper now!!! Rawr~ I'm 1 of them. But you know... 15 out of 40 is soooo pathetic. So the paper was postpone to noon. Dammit. I was sooo effing piss off that I almost walked out of the class. Spoiled my plan for the day. In the end, I didn't. Maybe my angel thrashed my Devil today. Who knows? (^-^) Result was out today too. Another 80% for Instrumentation. Amazing. Gym after school. Had a deal with Birdy. 6PM under his void deck. I was there at 5:55PM. 6:20PM, the Bird was no where to be seen or even found. Stuck in front of his dying cum overheated laptop botting his lame game. You know, bot your toon, hitting some statue that won't return damage. He likes those no brainer stuff. Pretty much kick for him I suppose. :P I'm being MEAN. He called but my Mobby is enjoying itself by feeding on the electricity surging from the socket. Left it at home. 11 Missed calls (No Price for guessing who called). Well Done. Gym was alright. I can't carry as much repetitions as I used to a week ago. Haven't been there for a week. I'll buck'up. Here's my Evil Training Plan... taking effect from today, 30072007. Cheers~
New Policy. I Hate to make Others wait & I Hate to wait for Others.

I Mention Rooster... Here's the pic of it. :D

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