Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Running (2 Km )
Total Training: 13 Sessions.

New Record: 09 Minutes 56 Seconds
Worst Record: 11 Minutes 56 Seconds
Last Best Record: 10 Minutes 23 Seconds
Current Best Record: 09 Minutes 56 Seconds

Swimming (1 Km, Freestyle)
Total Training: 1 Session

New Record: 22 Minutes 06 Seconds
Worst Record: N/A
Best Record: N/A
Current Best Record: 22 Minutes 06 Seconds

Not too bad for my running, though it's still pretty slow for a 2Km Run. Birdy's dad was expecting me to achieve 8 Minutes for a 2 Km. I'll strive for it tho. Next training session will be Thursday. Heading down to Race Expo to collect my Race items tomorrow. Gym session might be canceled which is... Baaaddddd!

Right, did I mention my glucose is higher than normal people? I did. Refer to my 1st Post ever. Haven't touch any sugar drinks, sweets and such. I mean, the only thing that contributes to glucose I can think off is still White Rice. Someone just has to be Effing SARCASTIC or maybe he's just TRYING to be nice. Judge it yourself. Here's an original extract from our MSN chat. Name of that someone has been changed to 'XYZ'

XYZ: wan buy strudels n cookies bo
Kai: My glucose is way higher than normal people plus i've no darling to pamper. x) no thanks.
XYZ: lame
XYZ: if u hav high glucose den u shld stop eatin anytin wif sweets in it
XYZ: or u will get diabieties
Kai: already did
XYZ: u have * Increased thirst * Increased urination * Fatigue * Blurred vision * Slow-healing infections or symptoms of hypoglycemia, suc?
XYZ: den u shld stop anytin wif sweets
XYZ: teh ice
XYZ: coke
Kai: yeap. stopped.
XYZ: or u wld prb end up cuttin ur leg
XYZ: and plz include it in ur triat medical report
Kai: been on ice kosong for weeks already
Kai: not that i've diabetics
Kai: but just to be on the safe side
XYZ: if u have high glocuse lvl till u cant eat a swt tin
XYZ: prob u hav diabities go get a check up
Kai: i'm alrdy eating stuff without sugar. mayb cept white rice
XYZ: anyways gd l havin ur leg
XYZ: gtg cya
Kai: having my leg?
Kai: Don't get what you meant by 'having my leg' but thanks for your concern. I'm already scheduled for a check up at some laboratory recommended by my family docter.

That's our conversation. Judge it yourself. What a Dickhead. Eff off, Blasted soul.Just because I don't want to buy his 'wares' and give a valid reason? What a joke.

4 Days To Triathlon.
Not participating in the upcoming Safra Army's Half A Marathon. Not enough time to train. 26 of Aug. But anyone up for Standard Chartered's?

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